Why Responsive Design is Required for Branding

A responsive design is a process that forces a website to take action according to the device on which it is being viewed and delivers the suitable output for it. Responsive web design is the practice of building a website so that it works on different devices no matter what is the size of the device big or small.
It focused on perceptive and satisfying experience especially for desktop computer and mobile phone user which they get benefited from responsive. Search engine can easily rank responsive website as it will be easy for search engine to index the website content and help in business growth and even increase the traffic.
Instead of designing multiple websites for different devices that are sized in a different way, use of this move toward lets the web designers design just one site but specifies within the code as to how it should appear on varied devices website.

Adjusting Screen Resolution:
Through more devices we come across various screen resolutions, orientations and definitions. To handle various devices in different screen size which is developing in every day to day basis, are raising popularity from portrait to landscape.

Flexible Layout:
Responsive web design is divided into three main components, including flexible media, flexible layouts and media queries. The first part, flexible layouts, is the carry out of building the layout of a website with a flexible grid, able of dynamically resizing to any width. Flexible grids are built by means of relative length units, most commonly percentages.

Media Queries:
Media queries were build as an addition to media types usually found when targeting and including styles. Media queries give the ability to identify different styles for individual browser and device situation, the width of the viewport. There is different way to use media queries by importing a new style sheet or by linking a separate style with HTML document.

One of the majority familiar media features revolves around formative a height or width for a device or browser viewport. The height and width may be found by using the width, height, device height and device width with media features.

When CSS is there why do we need java script but we actually need it. But most of the people still don’t know about JavaScript . HTML,CSS,JS are the three pillar to build any constructive website because they understand each other and work hand in hand This is the baseline for any work to happen on the front end.

Showing or Hiding Content:
HTML are all same but just hide the images or content as you don’t want on mobile device.The code will be visible and still there in search engines for indexing and SEO, but it wont by visible to the mobile user browser. Over here SEO play vital part, probably the only good way to pull HTML elements with java scripts. The best way to do this without any JavaScript fiddles so that it gives HTML tag for trying to hide or to use display: none. CSS property in a media query which fits the browse size you want to hide the content.

Responsive design can provide the better or give usage to mobile centric website. When the desktop user clicks will get consistent view on their screen if that link is for responsive website.
The responsive web design adopt itself to different shapes and sizes of the screens. It does not require any special coding for specific device. This type of website design helps in marketing survey and makes you to gain visitors in your website as it is easier to implement. In short period of time your business can give profit as it launch the website as it becomes easier for search engine algorithm to manage the URL.